CariedAway is a pioneering program focused on preventing and treating dental cavities in school-based settings.

Cavities are caused by a bacterial infection of teeth. The infection destroys tooth structure and can cause severe pain. Children with cavities and toothaches are more likely to miss school.

We come to your child’s school and provide care in a classroom or auditorium.

  • CariedAway provides high-value, safe, and effective care without shots, drilling, or pain.

  • Care takes 15 to 20 minutes, twice a year, for children with informed consent.

  • Care kills decay causing bacteria and prevents 80% of cavities with two visits.

  • CariedAwaycomplements regular dental office care.

All children receive a goodie bag with a toothbrush, toothpaste, floss, a timer, and a report on their care.

This is the care your child can receive:

Dental sealants

Sealants are thin, white cement coatings. They seal off the grooves and dips on the top of the teeth. This keeps bacteria and food from getting caught in them and causing cavities. The sealant is placed on top of the tooth.

Silver diamine fluoride (SDF)

SDF is a clear liquid that kills the decay causing bacteria. SDF will turn the cavity from brown to black showing that it has stopped the bacterial infection. SDF is placed on back teeth only.

Cavity sealants

Cavity sealants are like dental sealants. They seal the cavity, preventing the bacteria from getting air and food. They also restore tooth form and function. Cavity sealants are also called temporary fillings also known as ITR (Interim Therapeutic Restorations).

Fluoride varnish

Fluoride varnish hardens the teeth to prevent bacteria acids from causing cavities before they start.

Learn more information on how to sign up here.